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Krople do oczu IRIS Refresh Taisho na wysokie obciążenie wzroku

Artykuł: 124
65 zł/op.
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Kraj Japan

Eye drops for high visual strain IRIS Refresh TAISHO, 12 ml


Product Information:


IRIS REFRESH - the best remedy for constant eye strain


IRIS Refresh - Japanese eye drops for individuals who frequently and extensively work with computer screens or mobile devices. Screens emit what is known as "blue light," a stress factor for the eyes. Prolonged exposure can cause eye vessel spasms, worsen muscle and eye membrane nutrition, leading to redness, irritation, dryness, a burning sensation or itching in the eyes and eyelids, deteriorating visual acuity, and the development of nearsightedness or farsightedness.


Japanese IRIS Refresh eye drops, containing 12 beneficial ingredients, aim to alleviate the stress from working and eliminate its aftermath - reducing eye fatigue, refreshing them, and allowing better tolerance to increased strain.


The drops contain:


- Increased concentration of Vitamin B12, which enhances visual accommodation

- Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate that improves eye tissue metabolism

- Vitamin B6, helping to reduce redness

- Natural Taurine ensuring normal eye function

- Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate, fighting bacteria

- Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride, reducing inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva

- Chlorpheniramine Maleate, eliminating mucous membrane irritation and suppressing the action of histamine.


Additional ingredients included in the eye drops help restore the eye's moisture balance, providing a sense of coolness and freshness, enhancing the primary components' actions.


Active ingredients:


- Neostigmine Methylsulfate 0.005%

- Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate 0.5%

- Allantoin 0.3%

- Tocopherol (Vitamin E) 0.05%

- Vitamin B12 0.0016%

- Epsilon-Aminocaproic Acid 1%

- Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate 0.08%

- Taurine 0.8%

- L-Potassium Aspartate 0.2%

- Vitamin B6 0.02%

- Chlorpheniramine Maleate 0.03%

- Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride 0.1%


Directions for use: Apply 2-3 drops 5-6 times a day.


Do not use or discontinue use of the drops if:


- Allergic reactions occur

- You have allergies to other medications

- Eye pain persists for an extended period

- Glaucoma has been diagnosed



This product belongs to the category of dietary supplements (Dietary Food Supplements), is not a medicinal product or remedy, and is not intended to treat any diseases. Information about the product's properties is obtained from the official manufacturer's website and open sources. Before use, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for this product and consult a doctor if necessary. The seller is not responsible for the administration of this product. According to the law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles and Requirements for Safety and Quality of Food Products," dietary supplements do not require certification and sanitary-epidemiological conclusions. The design and labeling of the product may be changed by the manufacturer without prior notice. These changes do not affect the quality and composition of the product. We guarantee the originality and quality of the supplements and strive to incorporate any changes onto the website as soon as possible.


Manufacturer: Taisho Pharmaceutical


Country of origin: Japan

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