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Inochi no Haha - Kompleks witaminowy dla kobiet po 40 roku życia

Artykuł: 101
286 zł/op.
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Szybkie zamówienie
Kraj Japan
Symptoms hormonal disbalance

INOCHI NO HAHA - a complex for restoring and maintaining a hormonal balance in women, for 70 days




Complex  INOCHI NO HAHA restores and maintains a hormonal balance, eliminates disorders of the menstrual cycle, From the outbreaks of chills and from the tides of the heat during menopause. Improves blood circulation, leads to a normal balance of hormones in the female organism, And also eliminates the imbalance of the vegetative nervous system. 

The preparation uses 13 types of grasses from Chinese and Japanese traditional medicine and 11 vitamins, Minerals and amino acids. This is a reliable and safe, specially designed to, To make women every day feel excellent. The drug does not contain hormonal components!


Indications for use: menopause, Climacterquater neurosis, Menstrual violations, Menstrual pain, Rigidity of the occipital muscles, circulatory disorders, skin irritation, dizziness, noise in ears, heartbeat, anemia, acne, constipation, hysteria, before and after childbirth, Blind of arterial pressure, headache.

Composition: 85 mg rhubarb extract, Valerian extract 207 mg, Cinnamon extract 170 mg, Celery Extract 100 mg, Caltic extract Atratlodes 100 mg, PION Extract 300 mg, Patima extract 175 mg, Pennicker Extract of the Sharpening 300 mg, Round 50 mg extract, Evodia Extract 40 mg, Extract Kornevishche Kautuinia 75 mg, Ginseng extract 40 mg, Chrysanthemum extract 50 mg, Vitamin B1 5 mg, Vitamin B2 1 mg, Vitamin B6 0.5 mg, Vitamin B12 1 μg, Calcium Pantothenate 5 mg, Folic acid 0.5 mg, Taurine 90 mg, DL alpha tocopherol (Vitamin E.) 5 mg, Calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate 10 mg, Biotin 1 μg, Purified soy lecithin 10 mg.

B1 i- s used in the treatment of muscle diseases and with lower back pain, 

B2 - for the treatment of acne and other skin diseases,

B6 - also for the health of the skin and mucous membranes, Diseases of nerve endings, 

B12 - for the normal hemoglobin synthesis in the blood and for the normal functioning of peripheral nerves,

Calcium Pantothenate - participates in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, 

Folic acid - prevents the emergence of anemia, Supports normal blood formation,

Taurine - prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, promotes muscle contractions, 

Vitamin E - improves blood circulation, especially during menopause, 

Pinktada Fukata Oysters - provides the body with a necessary level of calcium for bone health, 

Biotin - participates in lipid metabolism, Carbohydrates, Belkov, Facilitates dermatitis,

Soy lecithin - participates in lipid metabolism.

Method of application: 4 tablets 3 times a day before meals.

Packaging: 840 tablets for 70 days.


Manufacturer : Kobayashi


Country of origin: Japan

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