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Kompleks witamin z grupy B o wolnym uwalnianiu, 60 dni

Artykuł: 120
59 zł/op.
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Kraj Japan

Vitamin B Complex with a slow-release formula for optimal absorption (60 days)


- Improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

- Maintains emotional balance and normalizes the nervous system. Helps combat stress.

- Strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolism, and supports intestinal health, positively affecting the cardiovascular system.

- Vitamins from the B group are essential for overall health and the maintenance of the beauty of hair, nails, and skin.


The slow-release formula allows for maximum and optimal absorption.

The human body cannot simultaneously absorb high dosages. By releasing slowly, the vitamins remain in the body longer, thereby increasing their effectiveness.


This B vitamin complex contains eight different B-group vitamins, offering an effective combination of vitamins necessary for our bodies:


- B1 - influences cognitive abilities and memory.

- B2 - essential for vision, skin health, and mucous membranes.

- B3 (niacin) - participates in the synthesis of proteins, fats, and hormones (testosterone, estrogen, insulin).

- B5 (pantothenic acid) - important for the brain, fat breakdown, and protects mucous membranes from infections.

- B6 - involved in serotonin synthesis, responsible for mood, sleep, and appetite.

- B7 (biotin) - the beauty vitamin for skin, hair, the nervous system, and metabolism.

- B8 (inositol) - regenerates nervous tissue, skin, reduces fat accumulation in the liver, stimulates the growth of muscle and bone tissue, which is crucial for normal child development and bone healing after fractures.

- B9 (folic acid) - participates in amino acid synthesis, especially important during pregnancy for proper embryo development.

- B12 protects nerve tissue; its deficiency can lead to depression, sclerosis, fatigue, and anemia.

- Vitamins B12 and folic acid are involved in erythrocyte formation.


This group of vitamins is responsible for cell division and fetal growth, protein assimilation in the maternal body, preventing anemia and pregnancy toxemia.


In nature, these vitamins are often found together, and their combined action is more effective than when taken individually.


Taking this complex helps the skin stay young and beautiful:


- B vitamins protect the skin from acne and dehydration.

- They remove scars and redness.

- They help eliminate pigmented spots.

- They whiten, rejuvenate, and improve the skin.

- They have a positive impact on hair, eyes, and the liver.

- They contribute to energy restoration.

- They participate in all cellular processes.

- They accelerate metabolism.

- They help control weight.

- They improve brain function.

- They prevent vitamin deficiency.

- They help combat fatigue and restore strength.

- They reduce stress from a busy lifestyle.


A deficiency of B vitamins in the body leads to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.


The primary role of B vitamins is energy release. They participate in converting carbohydrates into glucose and in the breakdown of proteins and fats.


B vitamins play a crucial role in metabolism and assist in the functioning of the nervous system and blood-forming organs.


The presence of B-group vitamins in the body is crucial for growth and immune system function. They help the body recover faster during and after illness and during physical activity.



- Vitamin B1 40.0 mg

- Vitamin B2 30.0 mg

- Vitamin B6 30.0 mg

- Vitamin B12 20.0 mcg (833%)

- Niacin 40 mg (308%)

- Pantothenic acid 40.0 mg

- Biotin 50 mcg (100%)

- Folic acid 200 mcg (83%)



Take 1 tablet twice a day with a meal.


Packaging: 120 tablets

60-day course

Manufacturer: DHC

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